Hilda Reimer
Born and raised in Killarney, Manitoba, Hilda chose to make the North Thompson Valley, BC, her home in the mid 1980s. Being drawn to nature and surrounded by infinite beauty, "painting with light" through the lens of a camera became one of her life's many passions.
Hilda has had a very active outdoor lifestyle of guiding and exploration, along with extensive world travels for both work and vacations. This has provided numerous opportunities and moments of photographic inspiration. To develop her skill as a photographer, Hilda graduated from the New York Institute of Photography in 2003. In 2016 and 2017 Hilda's Art Exhibit- Poles Apart - (contrasting the Arctic with Antarctica) was exhibited in both Clearwater and Kelowna, BC. In the past years, work has led her to explore Canada's north as well as Baffin Island, Greenland, and Iceland. To share even a small glimpse of the beauty of life around us is a dream of hers, fulilled.
Artist's Statement
"Without Light there is no Life... and Without Light there is no Photography."
I love the outdoors, and being drawn to the beauty around me has led me to carrying a camera almost everywhere I go. For me, capturing that special "moment in time" is all about SEEING the light, whether it's photographing landscape vistas, waterfalls, wildlife, or the smaller intricate details in nature such as flowers and birds. The "seeing" needs to be there before I can capture it. That's the joy and challenge for me. Light is forever changing, it's just a fleeting moment in time. To quote Ansel Adams: "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."